How to contribute to D(e)F

The blog Der (europäische) Föderalist explores the possibilities and preconditions for supranational democracy and provides a platform for debate and analysis of current developments in European and global constitutional politics. If you would like to contribute to it, please send an email to manuel.mueller<at>

Der (europäische) Föderalist is aimed at researchers, think-tankers, policy-makers and activists, as well as a wider audience interested in European politics. Located at the intersection of academic discourse and political debate, the blog aims to advance the discussion on supranational integration and serve as a forum for the exchange of arguments. Strong opinions are always welcome – as long as they are well-founded.


Contributions to the blog should be approximately 8,000-12,000 characters in length and written in English or German. If possible, use only one level of subheadings for the structure. For better screen readability, short sections of 2-3 paragraphs are recommended.

Contributions should be written in a clear and accessible style. Please get to the point quickly and follow a well-structured argument. Use abbreviations and technical terms sparingly and explain them clearly; if necessary, provide links to websites with further explanations. In contrast to a traditional scientific publication, you should avoid detailed explanations of your methodology or the state of the research.

While footnotes are not possible in the blog format, links to websites with further information are strongly encouraged. In particular, you should always link to any official documents, legal texts, etc. that you mention in the blog post. Links are also a possibility to include academic references; in this case, you should preferably link to the DOI of the cited text. Of course, blog posts can also contain tables, graphics, images, etc.; please remember always to include their data sources as well as copyright/licence information if applicable.

If your blog post is based on an external publication, a prominent link to it can be added at the end of the post. However, it must always be possible to read the blog post as a stand-alone text with a self-contained argument.

Publication process

To publish an article on the blog, please briefly outline the topic and argument in an e-mail sent to manuel.mueller<at> I will reply as soon as possible whether the text is suitable for publication on the blog and discuss the next steps with you.

Once the article is ready, please email it to me as a text file (.docx or .odt). If the article includes graphs and images, please attach them as separate image files. Please also send for each author:

  • a short profile text with name and institutional affiliation (1-2 sentences),
  • a profile picture (with copyright/licence details) that can be published on the blog, preferably in a square format.

Your post will be edited before publication. Please do not take any suggested changes as an offence, but as an opportunity to adapt the text to the format of the blog and increase its effectiveness. Any substantial changes to the text will of course be agreed with you before publication.

You are free to republish/cross-post your article elsewhere. If you do so, please include a reference and a link to the original publication on Der (europäische) Föderalist.

Bild: Manuel Müller [alle Rechte vorbehalten].

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Kommentare sind hier herzlich willkommen und werden nach der Sichtung freigeschaltet. Auch wenn anonyme Kommentare technisch möglich sind, ist es für eine offene Diskussion hilfreich, wenn Sie Ihre Beiträge mit Ihrem Namen kennzeichnen. Um einen interessanten Gedankenaustausch zu ermöglichen, sollten sich Kommentare außerdem unmittelbar auf den Artikel beziehen und möglichst auf dessen Argumentation eingehen. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass Meinungsäußerungen ohne einen klaren inhaltlichen Bezug zum Artikel hier in der Regel nicht veröffentlicht werden.