23 August 2024

Belgium’s Council Presidency: Reviewing a remarkably stimulating six months

By Jean-Louis De Brouwer
Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament
Belgium justified its reputation as an honest broker by reaching agreement on many, even difficult, measures. In shaping strategic choices for the future, it was less successful.

Belgium’s Presidency of the Council of the EU (from January to June 2024) was widely perceived as a great success. From the outset, the context was clear: a double end of term, national and European. Whilst possibly a bad omen, by the end of these six months, the facts were clear – far from weakening Belgium’s presidency, these deadlines stimulated it remarkably. The national election campaign, dominated by predictions of worrying upheavals in the domestic political landscape, in no way disrupted the presidency’s work schedule. The complex structure of Belgian federalism didn’t interfere with the implementation of the European agenda.

Whereas the previous Belgian presidency had been overseen by a caretaker government during one of those interminable political crises that this country is so famous for, it wouldn’t be out of place to assume that this time round federal, regional and community ministers used their initiatives and successes at the European level as fuel for their domestic campaigns. And above all, the administrative machinery – perfectly coordinated by the Permanent Representation – operated at full speed, focusing without qualms on achieving European objectives well integrated into its DNA.

A two-parts presidency

As for the EU’s schedule, it had been perfectly integrated into the six-month political calendar. Structured around three concepts (protect, strengthen, prepare), the Belgian presidency’s programme was broken down into six priorities: defending the rule of law, democracy and unity; strengthening competitiveness; pursuing a green and just transition; reinforcing the social and health agenda; protecting people and borders; and promoting a global Europe.

But in the minds of those in charge, the presidency was in fact divided into two periods. In the wake of a very dynamic Spanish presidency, the first half was dedicated exclusively to finishing the legislative agenda up to the European Parliament’s dissolution in April. The second half was more ‘forward-looking’, devoted to preparing the June European Council’s two major deliverables – the new Strategic Agenda and the roadmap designed to guide both an enlargement process, the geopolitical urgency of which had been reaffirmed, and the reforms needed to make it possible. More generally, the underlying ambition was to influence the future just as the seminal ‘Laeken Declaration’ did in 2001.

Brilliant on the first part …

The figures speak for themselves: The Belgian presidency reached 74 agreements and achieved 57 Council-level negotiating mandates, with legislative work continuing relentlessly well beyond the dissolution deadline, paving the way for the Hungarian Presidency. But beyond the figures, it’s the political profile of the agreements reached – both within and outside the legislative process – that merit attention.

At the risk of forgetting some, the most noteworthy of the Presidency’s achievements include the final adoption of the European Media Freedom Act and the Anti-SLAPP Directive, the Net-Zero Industry Act and the AI Act, the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) policy framework, the agreement on working conditions for online platform workers and corporate due diligence requirements for companies, the introduction of the European Disability Card and the conclusions on the Future of the European Health Union, the finalisation of the Pact on Asylum and Migration and the adoption of the new Schengen Border Code. But nobody’s perfect and there was some dissatisfaction with the lack of progress on deepening the Capital Market Union and on own resources, as well as the failure to reach agreement on the fight against online child pornography and the single permit for managing regular migration.

More than once, Belgium fully justified its reputation as an honest broker by managing to reach agreement on measures that were politically difficult for national interests, whether it be the new macro-economic governance structure (an excessive deficit procedure being the immediate consequence), the nature restoration law (Belgium having to abstain from the final vote because of internal disagreements), the agreement on how to use the proceeds of frozen Russian assets (a significant amount of them in Belgium) or the gradual extension of sanctions against Russia in successive packages (affecting Belgium’s diamond industry and LNG deliveries).

… more relative results on the second

However, the final assessment must be more nuanced regarding Belgium’s overall influence on the strategic choices being made by the EU at this pivotal moment in its development. There are several reasons for this.

In terms of content, preparing for the Strategic Agenda began at the informal Heads of State and Government meetings in Versailles and Granada, where the EU’s ambitions in terms of defence, strategic autonomy, economic security and competitiveness were outlined. In terms of process, preparing this agenda fell within the remit of the President of the European Council, who, in 2023, launched a procedure in which the rotating presidency had no particular role to play. Belgium, however, did not remain inactive and endeavoured not only to follow but put its own stamp onto it.

This was reflected in various formal and informal initiatives, such as the signing of the Tripartite Declaration for a Thriving European Social Dialogue, promoting the Letta report on the future of the single market at an informal meeting of the European Council, the Antwerp Declaration (a call from 73 business leaders representing 17 sectors for a European Industrial Deal to complement the Green Deal and safeguard quality jobs) and the La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of Social Europe (which was not, however, endorsed by all 27 member states). Insiders pointed out that this activism on Belgium’s part helped to reintroduce green and social dimensions into the agenda, which had been previously lacking.

Decoupling enlargement and institutional reform

Several concrete steps have been taken with a view to future enlargement, in particular the mid-term review of the multi-annual financial framework, the adoption of the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans and the Ukraine Facility, as well as the Ukraine Plan designed to implement it. The ‘momentum’ was confirmed, on top of the strengthening of sanctions and the renewal of temporary protection, by the approval of the negotiating framework for Ukraine and Moldova, and the subsequent organisation of intergovernmental conferences, along with Montenegro.

Active on the ‘widening’ side of the classic diptych, Belgium has surreptitiously moved the cursor to the ‘deepening’ dimension. The starting point was obvious – most member states have no appetite whatsoever for a new institutional adventure, with the expectations of the European Parliament and the September 2023 report published by the Franco-German Working Group on EU Institutional Reform not being instrumental in unblocking very entrenched positions. It was therefore important to broaden the perspective by decoupling the institutional debate from enlargement, otherwise the latter would also come to a standstill.

Still sleepwalking towards enlargement

The message was conveyed in the Presidency’s progress report, in line with the European Commission’s March communication, namely that reforms are needed not only to prepare for enlargement but also to safeguard and improve the EU’s internal functioning and the capacity to act, as well as to adapt to a new geopolitical environment in a rapidly changing world.

The process should unfold through successive waves, from values (but ending the procedure against Poland, accompanied by the prospect of increased participation in the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, did not yet translate into a different approach to the procedure under Article 7 TEU) to policies (pending the policy reviews announced by the Commission for the first half of 2025), then to the budget (with the major challenge of the next MFF in sight, where a business-as-usual approach will not be appropriate), before opening the institutional governance chapter (even if the failure thus far of timid attempts to suggest reforms on a constant treaty basis through the use of bridging clauses calls for cautious realism).

This report is referred to in the roadmap adopted by the European Council. But the feeling of unease remains: When it comes to enlargement, the EU is sleepwalking.

Inclusivity and modesty are key for a successful presidency

This brings us to two final thoughts. The first one concerns the profile of rotating presidencies. The common wisdom is to stress that, with the Lisbon Treaty, their influence has become (even more) negligible, their main interest ultimately being to raise the profile of European issues with national public opinion at increasingly remote intervals. So how can we interpret the strong feelings inspired by the successive presidencies of Belgium and Hungary?

One thing is certain – even within the framework of a trio, a member state doesn’t have the capacity to influence a common agenda where the foundations have been laid at the highest level. But it can play an important role in implementing it. Is there a secret to Belgium’s success, the model honest broker? It’s that inclusivity and modesty are key, constantly seeking dialogue with all players, multiplying bilateral contacts and being able to forget domestic sensitivities for a while.

In short, it’s about putting policies above politics, while accepting that the latter is inevitably part of any democratic decision-making process. And this is probably also the best way to ensure that the soft voice of national priorities is heard.

A need to engage in a process of reflection

The second final thought refers to the state of the Union, in the primary sense of the term. This author’s predecessor in this series, Héctor Sánchez Margalef, concluded his analysis of the Spanish presidency by noting that more should be done in terms of leadership and reflecting on where the EU is going and what the next steps are for it to become a true shaper of global politics rather than a follower. He stressed that finding answers to these questions is becoming more vital than ever as the EU’s future remains deeply uncertain. Six months on, we’re still in the same place, but neither the Spanish nor the Belgian presidencies should be blamed.

The Strategic Agenda is more ‘agenda’ than ‘strategy’. The roadmap is meaningless, as has been pointed out. The guidelines presented by the Commission President on the eve of her appointment for a second five-year term appear to be a more pragmatic work programme for the next 24 months. Some are resigned to the ‘fatalism of the crisis’, reminding us, as Jean Monnet did, that Europe has always emerged stronger after having to confront various shocks head on – all we have to do is wait for the next one to happen, and hope it’s not too violent to refute this fine optimism.

Others are calling for a surge of voluntarism and clear-sightedness that would finally lead decision-makers to question several comfortable certainties and engage in a process of reflection that ‘should take place with the strategic long-term objectives for the next institutional cycle as well as other challenges and trends with a longer perspective in mind’, in the words of the Presidency report. Perhaps Belgium, once it has emerged from the inevitable ‘post-presidency depression’, could, along with others, contribute to such an awakening.

Jean-Louis De Brouwer is Director of the European Affairs Programme at the Egmont Institute in Brussels.

This article was first published as an EPIN Council Presidency Report by the European Policy Institutes Network.

Picture: Belgian presidency flags: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union / Jeroen Vranckaert [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr; portrait Jean-Louis De Brouwer: private [all rights reserved].

Die belgische Ratspräsidentschaft: Rückblick auf ein bemerkenswert anregendes halbes Jahr

Von Jean-Louis De Brouwer
Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament
Seinem Ruf als ehrlicher Makler gerecht werdend, führte Belgien Einigung über viele, auch schwierige Maßnahmen herbei. Weniger erfolgreich war es bei der Gestaltung strategischer Zukunftsentscheidungen.

Die belgische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft von Januar bis Juni 2024 wurde weithin als großer Erfolg gewertet. Der Kontext war von Anfang an klar: ein doppeltes Amtszeit-Ende, national und europäisch. Dies wurde als ein mögliches schlechtes Omen gesehen, doch am Ende dieser sechs Monate waren die Fakten deutlich: Die belgische Präsidentschaft wurde dadurch nicht geschwächt, sondern vielmehr beflügelt. Der nationale Wahlkampf, der von Prognosen beunruhigender Umwälzungen in der innenpolitischen Landschaft beherrscht wurde, brachte den Arbeitsplan der Präsidentschaft nicht durcheinander. Die komplexe Struktur des belgischen Föderalismus behinderte nicht die Umsetzung der europäischen Agenda.

Die vorherige belgische Präsidentschaft wurde von einer geschäftsführenden Regierung geleitet und fand während einer jener endlosen politischen Krisen statt, für die dieses Land so berühmt ist. Diesmal hingegen lässt sich sagen, dass die föderalen, regionalen und sprachgemeinschaftlichen Minister:innen ihre europäischen Initiativen und Erfolge als Treibstoff für ihre innenpolitischen Kampagnen nutzten. Und vor allem die Verwaltungsmaschinerie – perfekt koordiniert von der Ständigen Vertretung – arbeitete auf Hochtouren und konzentrierte sich ohne Skrupel auf die Verwirklichung europäischer Ziele, die fest in ihrer DNA verankert sind

Eine zweiteilige Präsidentschaft

Der Zeitplan der EU wurde perfekt in den sechsmonatigen politischen Kalender integriert. Das Programm der belgischen Präsidentschaft orientierte sich an drei Konzepten (Schützen, Stärken, Vorausschauen) und war in sechs Prioritäten gegliedert: Verteidigung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Demokratie und Einheit, Stärkung unserer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Anstreben eines grünen und gerechten Übergangs, Verstärkung unserer Sozial- und Gesundheitsagenda, Schutz von Menschen und Grenzen sowie Förderung eines globalen Europas.

In den Köpfen der Verantwortlichen war die Präsidentschaft jedoch in zwei Perioden unterteilt. Nach der sehr dynamischen spanischen Präsidentschaft war die erste Hälfte ausschließlich dem Abschluss der Gesetzgebungsagenda bis zur Auflösung des Europäischen Parlaments im April gewidmet. Die zweite Hälfte war eher „zukunftsorientiert“ und der Vorbereitung der beiden wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Europäischen Rates vom Juni gewidmet – der neuen Strategischen Agenda und dem Fahrplan, der sowohl den Erweiterungsprozess, dessen geopolitische Dringlichkeit bekräftigt wurde, als auch die dafür erforderlichen Reformen leiten soll. Das zugrundeliegende Ziel war es, die Zukunft zu prägen, so wie es die bahnbrechende „Erklärung von Laeken“ im Jahr 2001 tat.

Herausragend im ersten Teil …

Die Zahlen sprechen für sich selbst: Der belgische Ratsvorsitz erreichte 74 Vereinbarungen und 57 Rats-Verhandlungsmandate, wobei die Gesetzgebungsarbeit weit über die Auflösung des Europäischen Parlaments hinaus unermüdlich fortgesetzt wurde und den Weg für den ungarischen Ratsvorsitz ebnete. Aber über die Zahlen hinaus verdient auch das politische Profil der erzielten Vereinbarungen Aufmerksamkeit, sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb des Gesetzgebungsverfahrens.

Auf die Gefahr hin, einige zu vergessen: Zu den bemerkenswertesten Errungenschaften des Ratsvorsitzes gehörten die endgültige Verabschiedung des Europäischen Medienfreiheit-Gesetzes und der Anti-SLAPP-Richtlinie, der Net-Zero Industry Act und das Gesetz über künstliche Intelligenz, der politische Rahmen für das transeuropäische Verkehrsnetz (TEN-V), die Einigung über die Arbeitsbedingungen für Beschäftigte von Online-Plattformen und die Sorgfaltspflicht von Unternehmen, die Einführung des Europäischen Behindertenausweises und die Schlussfolgerungen zur Zukunft der Europäischen Gesundheitsunion, der Abschluss des Migrations- und Asylpakets und die Verabschiedung des neuen Schengener Grenzkodex. Aber niemand ist perfekt: Unzufriedenheit herrschte über die mangelnden Fortschritte bei der Vertiefung der Kapitalmarktunion und bei den Eigenmitteln sowie über das Scheitern einer Einigung über die Bekämpfung von Online-Kinderpornografie und über die kombinierte Erlaubnis zur Steuerung regulärer Migration.

Mehr als einmal rechtfertigte Belgien seinen Ruf als ehrlicher Makler, indem es eine Einigung über Maßnahmen erzielte, die für seine eigenen nationalen Interessen politisch schwierig waren: Sei es die neue makroökonomische Governance-Struktur (ein Verfahren wegen eines übermäßigen Defizits war die unmittelbare Folge), das Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung der Natur (Belgien musste sich aufgrund interner Meinungsverschiedenheiten bei der Schlussabstimmung der Stimme enthalten), die Einigung über die Verwendung der Erlöse aus den eingefrorenen russischen Vermögenswerten (ein erheblicher Teil davon in Belgien) oder die schrittweise Ausweitung der Sanktionen gegen Russland in mehreren Paketen (die Belgiens Diamantenindustrie und Flüssiggaslieferungen betrafen).

… mäßigere Ergebnisse im zweiten

Differenzierter muss die Bewertung der Ratspräsidentschaft jedoch hinsichtlich des Einflusses Belgiens auf die strategischen Entscheidungen ausfallen, die die EU in diesem entscheidenden Moment ihrer Entwicklung zu treffen hat. Hierfür gibt es mehrere Gründe.

Inhaltlich begann die Vorbereitung der Strategischen Agenda bei den informellen Treffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs in Versailles und Granada, bei denen die Ambitionen der EU in den Bereichen Verteidigung, strategische Autonomie, wirtschaftliche Sicherheit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dargelegt wurden. Die Ausarbeitung dieser Agenda fiel in den Zuständigkeitsbereich des Präsidenten des Europäischen Rates, der dafür 2023 ein Verfahren eingeleitet hatte, bei dem der rotierende Ratsvorsitz keine besondere Rolle spielte. Belgien blieb jedoch nicht untätig und bemühte sich, nicht nur mitzumachen, sondern der Debatte seinen eigenen Stempel aufzudrücken.

Dies spiegelte sich in verschiedenen formellen und informellen Initiativen wider, etwa der Unterzeichnung der dreigliedrigen Erklärung für einen dynamischen europäischen sozialen Dialog, der Förderung des Letta-Berichts über die Zukunft des Binnenmarktes auf einer informellen Tagung des Europäischen Rates, der Erklärung von Antwerpen (einem Aufruf von 73 Wirtschaftsführer:innen aus 17 Sektoren für einen europäischen „Industrial Deal“ als Ergänzung zum „Green Deal“ und zur Sicherung hochwertiger Arbeitsplätze) und der Erklärung von La Hulpe über die Zukunft des sozialen Europas (die jedoch nicht von allen 27 Mitgliedstaaten unterstützt wurde). Eingeweihten zufolge trugen diese Aktivitäten Belgiens dazu bei, die zuvor fehlende grüne und soziale Dimension wieder auf die Tagesordnung zu setzen.

Entkopplung von Erweiterung und institutioneller Reform

Im Hinblick auf die künftige Erweiterung wurden mehrere konkrete Schritte unternommen, insbesondere die Halbzeitüberprüfung des mehrjährigen Finanzrahmens, die Verabschiedung der Reform- und Wachstumsfazilität für den westlichen Balkan und der Ukraine-Fazilität sowie des Ukraine-Plans zu deren Umsetzung. Dieses „Momentum“ wurde außer durch die Verschärfung der Sanktionen und die Verlängerung des vorübergehenden Schutzes auch durch die Annahme des Verhandlungsrahmens und die anschließende Aufnahme von Beitritts-Regierungskonferenzen mit der Ukraine und der Republik Moldau zusammen mit Montenegro bestätigt.

Während Belgien auf der „Erweiterungs“-Seite des klassischen Diptychons aktiv war, verschob es den Cursor unauffällig auf die Dimension der „Vertiefung“. Der Ausgangspunkt war offensichtlich: Die meisten Mitgliedstaaten haben keinerlei Lust auf ein neues institutionelles Abenteuer, und auch die Erwartungen des Europäischen Parlaments und der im September 2023 veröffentlichte Bericht der deutsch-französischen Arbeitsgruppe zur institutionellen Reform der EU konnten nicht dazu beitragen, die sehr festgefahrenen Positionen aufzubrechen. Es war daher wichtig, die Perspektive zu erweitern und die institutionelle Debatte von der Erweiterung zu entkoppeln, um zu verhindern, dass auch letztere zum Stillstand kommen würde.

Schlafwandelnd in Richtung Erweiterung

Im Fortschrittsbericht des belgischen Ratsvorsitzes wurde, im Einklang mit der Mitteilung der Europäischen Kommission vom März, die Botschaft vermittelt, dass Reformen nicht nur zur Vorbereitung auf die Erweiterung, sondern auch zur Sicherung und Verbesserung der internen Funktionsweise und der Handlungsfähigkeit der EU sowie zur Anpassung an ein neues geopolitisches Umfeld in einer sich rasch verändernden Welt erforderlich sind.

Der Prozess sollte sich in aufeinanderfolgenden Wellen entfalten: angefangen bei den Werten (wenngleich die Beendigung des Verfahrens gegen Polen, die mit der Aussicht auf eine stärkere Beteiligung der Europäischen Staatsanwaltschaft einherging, sich noch nicht in einem anderen Ansatz für das Artikel-7-Verfahren niedergeschlagen hat) über die Politiken (in Erwartung der von der Kommission für das erste Halbjahr 2025 angekündigten Überprüfungen) und den Haushalt (mit der großen Herausforderung des nächsten mehrjährigen Finanzrahmens in Sicht, für den ein Weiter-so-Ansatz nicht genügen wird), bis schließlich das Kapitel der institutionellen Governance eröffnet wird (auch wenn das bisherige Scheitern der zaghaften Versuche, mithilfe von Passerelleklauseln Reformen ohne Vertragsänderungen herbeizuführen, zu vorsichtigem Realismus mahnt).

Der vom Europäischen Rat angenommene Fahrplan nahm auf diesen Fortschrittsbericht Bezug. Aber das Gefühl des Unbehagens bleibt: Wenn es um die Erweiterung geht, ist die EU am Schlafwandeln.

Inklusion und Mäßigung, Schlüssel eines erfolgreichen Vorsitzes

Dies bringt uns zu zwei abschließenden Überlegungen. Die erste betrifft das Profil der rotierenden Ratspräsidentschaften. Gemeinhin wird betont, dass ihr Einfluss spätestens mit dem Vertrag von Lissabon vernachlässigbar geworden ist und ihr Hauptnutzen letztlich darin besteht, in immer größeren Abständen europäische Themen in der nationalen Öffentlichkeit zu platzieren. Wie sind also die starken Gefühle zu deuten, die die aufeinanderfolgenden Präsidentschaften Belgiens und Ungarns ausgelöst haben?

Eines ist sicher: Selbst im Rahmen eines Ratstrios hat ein Mitgliedstaat nicht die Möglichkeit, eine gemeinsame Agenda zu ändern, für die die Grundlagen auf höchster Ebene gelegt wurden. Aber er kann eine wichtige Rolle bei deren Umsetzung spielen. Gibt es ein Geheimnis für den Erfolg Belgiens, des vorbildlichen ehrlichen Maklers? Der Schlüssel dazu sind Inklusivität und Bescheidenheit, die ständige Suche nach dem Dialog mit allen Akteuren, die Vervielfachung bilateraler Kontakte und die Fähigkeit, innenpolitische Sensibilitäten für eine Weile zu vergessen.

Kurz gesagt, es geht darum, policies über politics zu stellen und zugleich zu akzeptieren, dass Letztere unweigerlich Teil eines jeden demokratischen Entscheidungsprozesses ist. Und dies ist wahrscheinlich auch der beste Weg, um sicherzustellen, dass die leise Stimme der nationalen Prioritäten gehört wird.

Ein nötiger Reflexionsprozess

Der zweite abschließende Gedanke bezieht sich auf den Zustand der Union. Héctor Sánchez Margalef schloss seine Analyse des spanischen Ratsvorsitzes mit der Feststellung, dass mehr Führung gebraucht werde und ein Nachdenken darüber nötig sei, wohin sich die EU entwickelt und was die nächsten Schritte sein müssen, damit sie ein echter Gestalter und nicht nur ein Mitläufer der Weltpolitik werden kann. Er betonte, dass es wichtiger denn je sei, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden, da die Zukunft der EU nach wie vor sehr ungewiss sei. Sechs Monate später sind wir in dieser Hinsicht nicht weitergekommen, aber dafür sollten weder die spanische noch die belgische Ratspräsidentschaft verantwortlich gemacht werden.

Die Strategische Agenda ist eher eine „Agenda“ als eine „Strategie“. Der Fahrplan ist bedeutungslos, wie verschiedentlich hervorgehoben wurde. Die von der Kommissionspräsidentin am Vorabend ihrer Ernennung für eine zweite fünfjährige Amtszeit vorgelegten Leitlinien scheinen eher ein pragmatisches Arbeitsprogramm für die nächsten 24 Monate zu sein. Einige haben sich mit dem „Fatalismus der Krise“ abgefunden und erinnern im Sinne Jean Monnets daran, dass Europa aus verschiedenen Schocks immer gestärkt hervorgegangen ist – wir müssen nur auf den nächsten warten und hoffen, dass er nicht zu heftig ist, um diesen schönen Optimismus zu widerlegen.

Andere fordern einen Schub an Willenskraft und Klarsicht, der die Entscheidungsträger:innen endlich dazu bringen würde, einige bequeme Gewissheiten in Frage zu stellen und sich auf einen Reflexionsprozess einzulassen, der „im Sinne der langfristigen strategischen Ziele für den nächsten institutionellen Zyklus sowie der anderen Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen – vorausschauend und mit Weitblick – angestellt werden“ sollte, wie es im Bericht des Ratsvorsitzes heißt. Vielleicht könnte Belgien, wenn es die unvermeidliche „Post-Präsidentschafts-Depression“ überwunden hat, zusammen mit anderen zu einem solchen Aufbruch beitragen.

Jean-Louis De Brouwer ist Direktor des Europa-Programms am Egmont-Institut in Brüssel.

Dieser Artikel erschien zuerst auf Englisch als EPIN Council Presidency Report des European Policy Institutes Network.

Übersetzung: Manuel Müller.
Bild: Flaggen der belgischen Ratspräsidentschaft: Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union / Jeroen Vranckaert [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr; Porträt Jean-Louis De Brouwer: privat [alle Rechte vorbehalten].

16 August 2024

European Parliament seat projection (August 2024): EPP continues to gain ground

By Manuel Müller

EP2024 46531367718878842533
EP today 46531367718878842533
Aug. 24 (B) 44451377719173882531
Aug. 24 (D) 45461387819176892532
Baseline scenario,
as of 12 August 2024.
(Click to enlarge.
Dynamic scenario,
as of 12 August 2024.
(Click to enlarge.)

It is now eight weeks since the European elections, the new Parliament and its political groups have been re-constituted, and Ursula von der Leyen (CDU/EPP) has been elected for a second term as president of the European Commission. But the European election year is far from over.

Nominating the Commission

Firstly, the other Commission members still have to be proposed by the governments, nominated by the Council, assigned portfolios by the Commission president and approved by the Parliament. An overview of all the candidates that are under discussion or have already been proposed can be found here. The informal deadline for nominations is 30 August, but von der Leyen intends to start interviews already in the next few days.

If she had her way, all governments would propose not one but two candidates – a man and a woman – from whom she could choose to ensure a balanced gender ratio. However, almost all governments have ignored this request and in many cases put forward only one male candidate. In some cases this was accompanied by eloquent but rather unconvincing justifications, in others it was the result of open power games in which male candidates simply refused to be part of a mixed duo.

Von der Leyen is now faced with the question of whether she will ask the governments to make additional nominations or whether she will limit herself to assigning less attractive portfolios to the many male commissioners in order to achieve parity at least at the level of the Commission vice-president. And since the European Parliament is also bound to be critical of this step backwards in terms of gender balance, it seems unlikely that all the nominees will make it through the hearings in the autumn.

Upcoming national elections

Second, the EU also still has a number of important national and regional elections this year. German state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg are just a few weeks away. They will be followed by national elections in Austria at the end of September, in Lithuania and Bulgaria in October and in Romania in December. Presidential elections will also be held in Romania and Croatia.

So there is still movement in European party politics. And despite the summer break, there have been at least a few new opinion polls in almost all member states since the European elections. This means that the first seat projection of the legislative period is once again largely based on polls for national parliamentary elections in the member states.

Differences in electoral behaviour

This also affects the results of the projection: The voting behaviour of European citizens differs between European and national elections – if only because of the differences in turnout, which makes party mobilisation an important factor in European elections. As a result, some parties systematically tend to do either better or worse in national than in European elections, even if the underlying political mood is the same. In other cases, however, the polling gains or losses of a party are due to actual changes in support over the summer.

In detail, the seat projection shows numerous changes compared to the results of the European elections. The following analysis attempts to clarify in which cases these changes can actually be attributed to shifts in the political mood and where they merely indicate differences in voting behaviour between the European and national elections.

EPP makes slight gains

After winning the European election, the European People’s Party (EPP) can once again make slight gains and would now have 191 seats in the baseline scenario of the seat projection (+3 compared to the election results). This is partly because its Irish and Estonian member parties are on the upswing. In France, too, Les Républicains and their allies Les Centristes did slightly better in the national parliamentary elections on 30 June than they had in the European elections a few weeks earlier – despite the fact that a wing of the Républicains had previously joined forces with the far-right RN (PfE) and the party spent much of the campaign fighting over its expulsion.

In other countries – such as Italy, Poland, Romania, Croatia and Lithuania – the poll ratings of EPP member parties have fallen slightly in recent weeks. These losses are mostly small fluctuations that should not be over-interpreted, especially in the current summer lull. However, the fact that several of these countries are due to hold elections before the end of the year might give the EPP some cause for concern.

S&D stable

For the centre-left S&D group, the seat projection brings little change overall. In France, the left-wing alliance, which includes the socialist PS, did slightly worse in the national elections than in the European elections. In Italy, the European elections brought a small surge for the PD, which has since slowed down.

On the other hand, the social democratic parties in the three Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland and Denmark) are doing much better in national polls than in the European elections. S&D members in Poland and Romania have also seen their approval ratings rise in recent weeks. Overall, the S&D group stands at 137 seats (+1) in the projection.

RE: Gains in France

With 77 seats (±0), the liberal Renew Europe group (RE) remains unchanged on balance. However, this hides some rather large shifts at national level: For example, the French governing party Renaissance did much better in the national than in the European elections. In Poland and Romania, too, the Liberals’ national polls are much better than their European election results.

However, the opposite is true in the Nordic countries as well as Lithuania, Latvia, and Slovakia. In addition, the RE group was joined by an independent candidate and a minor party from Ireland after the European elections, neither of which appear in national polls (and therefore in the seat projection).

Greens and Left fall back

On the left of the political spectrum, the Greens/EFA group suffers significant losses in the seat projection, reaching only 45 seats (–⁠8). However, this follows a familiar pattern in which the Greens, as well as their ally Volt, generally perform worse in national elections – and thus in the national polls on which this seat projection is based – than in European elections. In the current case, this applies in particular to the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, and Slovenia. Only the Portuguese Livre and the Czech Piráti have made gains compared to the European elections.

The Left group also sees a slight decline, with the Finnish Vasemmistoliitto, and to a lesser degree the Portuguese CDU, failing to transfer their good results in the European elections to the national polls. The Italian M5S, on the other hand, has partly recovered from its disappointing election result. Overall, the Left group now stands at 44 seats (–⁠2) in the projection.

ECR declining in France and Poland

On the right, the ECR group falls back to 73 seats in the projection (–⁠5). This is partly due to France, where the former ECR member party Reconquête split during the national election campaign and fell well below the five per cent threshold applicable in European elections. At the same time, the Polish PiS is also doing worse in the national polls than in the European elections.

In Sweden and Finland, on the other hand, the ECR member parties’ poor European election results are not fully reflected in the national polls. Moreover, Slovakia’s SaS would now narrowly win a seat again, and Italy’s FdI is also making slight gains.

PfE continues to grow

The far-right “Patriots for Europe” (PfE) group, which has essentially replaced the former ID group, has made significant gains in the seat projection, climbing to 88 seats (+4). This is mainly due to the Dutch PVV, the Portuguese Chega and, to a lesser extent, the Czech ANO, all of which performed significantly worse in the European elections than in national polls. In addition, the Estonian EKRE continues to appear in the seat projection as part of the PfE group. In reality, its only elected MEP left the party and joined the ECR group shortly after the European election.

On the other hand, Hungary’s Fidesz and Denmark’s DF lost slightly compared to the European elections. If the elections were repeated now, the latter would not make it into the Parliament again.

ESN would lose group status

The newly formed third far-right group “Europe of Sovereign Nations” (ESN) ostensibly appears stable in the seat projection, remaining at 25 seats (±0). However, this is mainly due to slight gains by the Polish Konfederacja, while the French and Lithuanian member parties would no longer enter the European Parliament now.

This means that if the European elections were held again this Sunday, the ESN group would have only MEPs from six different member states – too few to form a political group under the Parliament’s rules of procedure.

Non-attached: BSW and Hlas up, SALF and Stačilo down

Among the non-attached parties, Germany’s BSW and, in particular, Slovakia’s Hlas are doing better in the national polls than in the European elections. Conversely, the Czech Stačilo and Spanish SALF are unable to maintain their good European election results in the polls.

The projection also does not include individual MEPs from the German AfD and the Slovak REP who were not accepted into the ESN group by their own parties. The seat projection is based on the assumption that these MEPs would not stand again in a future European election, meaning that the entire AfD and REP delegations would join the ESN group. As a result, there are slightly fewer non-attached MEPs in the seat projection than in the current Parliament (31 seats/–⁠2).

“Others” from left and right

The seat projection also includes “other” parties again – i.e. parties that are not represented in the European Parliament and do not belong to any European party, so that they cannot be clearly assigned to any political group (9 seats/+9). These include, in particular, the right-wing populist NA from Lithuania, which was founded at the beginning of 2024 and is now one of the country’s strongest parties in the polls, but did not participate in the European election. Austria’s Bierpartei also did not put up any candidates for the European election. Other “other” parties did not enter the Parliament at the time, but would gain a seat in the current polls.

The dynamic scenario of the seat projection assigns the “other” parties to one of the existing parliamentary groups (or to the group of non-attached parties). The resulting picture is quite uncertain in detail, but overall it may be closer to the actual distribution of seats after a future European election than the baseline scenario. At present, however, the nine “other” seats would be so widely distributed among the groups that the two scenarios do not differ significantly.

The overview

The following table breaks down the projected distribution of seats by individual national parties. The table follows the baseline scenario, in which each national party is attributed to its current parliamentary group (or to the parliamentary group of its European political party) and parties without a clear attribution are labelled as “other”.

In contrast, the dynamic scenario of the seat projection assigns each “other” party to the parliamentary group to which it is politically closest. In addition, the dynamic scenario may also take into account likely future group changes of parties that are already represented in the Parliament. In the table, the changes from the baseline to the dynamic scenario are indicated by coloured text and in the mouse-over text. The mouse-over text also lists any other groups that the party in question might plausibly join.

In the absence of pan-European election polls, the projection is based on an aggregation of national polls and election results from all member states. The specific data basis for each country is explained in the small print below the table. For more information on European parties and political groups in the European Parliament, click here.

EP2024 46531367718878842533
EP today 46531367718878842533
Aug. 24 (B) 44451377719173882531
Aug. 24 (D) 45461387819176892532

DE 3 Linke
1 Tier
11 Grüne
3 Volt
14 SPD 5 FDP
3 FW
29 Union
1 Familie

15 AfD 7 BSW
2 Partei
1 PdF

4 EELV 11 PS 19 RE 9 LR
30 RN

IT 10 M5S
2 SI
4 EV 20 PD
7 FI
25 FdI 7 Lega

ES 2 Pod
1 Sumar
1 Bildu
1 CatComù
1 Comp
24 PP
6 Vox
1 Junts


5 Lewica 3 PL2050
19 KO
3 KP
16 PiS
4 Konf 3 Konf

12 PSD

3 GL
4 PvdA 5 VVD
2 D66

10 PVV

BE 2 PTB 1 Groen
1 Ecolo
2 Vooruit
2 PS
3 MR
1 LE
2 CD&V
3 N-VA 3 VB

2 Piráti

1 TOP09
2 Přísaha

EL 3 Syriza
7 ND 2 EL 1 FL
1 PE
1 MéRA

2 DK


10 Fidesz
1 Livre
7 PS 2 IL 7 PSD
3 Chega

SE 2 V 2 MP 7 S 1 C
4 M
1 KD
4 SD

2 Grüne 4 SPÖ 2 Neos 5 ÖVP

1 Bier

2 PP
1 DB

3 V

DK 1 Enhl. 3 SF 4 S 1 V
1 M
1 RV
2 LA
1 K
1 DD


4 PS 1 KDH 1 SaS

1 REP 5 Smer
3 Hlas

FI 2 Vas 1 Vihreät 3 SDP 2 Kesk
4 Kok
3 PS


3 FF
6 FG

1 SD
1 Možemo 4 SDP
5 HDZ 1 DP

1 Most

2 NA

1 Prog 1 SDPS
2 JV
1 NA

1 ST!


1 SD 3 GS 4 SDS
1 NSi


1 SDE 1 RE
1 KE
3 Isamaa



1 Fidías
1 Gréng 1 LSAP 1 DP 2 CSV 1 ADR


3 PL
3 PN

Timeline (baseline scenario)

24-08-12 44 45 137 77 191 73 88 25 31 9
EP 2024 46 53 136 77 188 78 84 25 33

Timeline (dynamic scenario)

24-08-12 45 46 138 78 191 76 89 25 32
EP 2024 46 53 136 77 188 78 84 25 33

Timeline 2019-2024 (baseline scenario)

29/05/2024 37 57 136 81 172 79 66 50 42
22/04/2024 35 51 132 86 173 81 83 35 44
26/02/2024 35 48 135 85 176 78 85 36 42
08/01/2024 33 45 141 86 169 75 89 43 39
06/11/2023 43 43 137 90 170 78 76 38 45
11/09/2023 42+1 46 144+3 90+1 157+5 77 72+2 36+1 41+2
17/07/2023 41 48 136 94 160 79 70 36 41
22/05/2023 49 50 137 92 162 79 67 33 36
27/03/2023 44 42 137 94 162 78 68 38 42
01/02/2023 50 42 135 96 168 78 65 37 34
06/12/2022 51 44 136 93 166 79 64 37 35
12/10/2022 52 42 127 100 169 79 63 35 38
20/08/2022 52 47 134 98 170 75 63 27 39
22/06/2022 54 44 133 101 165 77 64 31 36
25/04/2022 59 39 139 97 157 78 64 38 34
01/03/2022 53 36 139 98 158 78 62 45 36
04/01/2022 51 39 142 99 165 73 62 34 40
08/11/2021 50 42 144 96 155 75 72 36 35
13/09/2021 54 42 141 98 160 70 75 33 32
21/07/2021 52 45 133 97 167 71 74 31 35
24/05/2021 50 50 125 95 167 74 73 33 38
29/03/2021 52 46 136 96 164 71 73 34 33
02/02/2021 52 45 135 94 184 70 71 21 33
09/12/2020 52 47 136 93 188 67 73 20 29
12/10/2020 51 49 127 96 193 67 71 21 30
14/08/2020 50 53 145 88 196 65 64 20 24
25/06/2020 48 55 143 91 203 64 63 20 18
26/04/2020 47 53 151 88 202 66 66 19 13
10/03/2020 51 58 138 88 188 67 82 21 12
09/01/2020 49 58 135 93 186 65 82 24 13
23/11/2019 48 57 138 99 181 62 82 22 16
23/09/2019 49 61 139 108 175 56 82 24 11
30/07/2019 47 64 138 108 180 57 82 22 7
EP 2019 40 68 148 97 187 62 76 27

The “EP 2024” line indicates the distribution of seats as of July 16, 2024, when the European Parliament was constituted following the election in June 2019.The “EP 2019” line indicates the distribution of seats as of July 2, 2019, when the European Parliament was constituted following the election in May 2019.
The table shows the values of the baseline scenario without the United Kingdom. Until September 2023, the seat projection is based on 705 seats, thereafter on 720 seats. In the figures for September 2023, the transition is marked by superscript numbers.

An overview of the values including the United Kingdom for the period up to January 2020 can be found here. An overview of older projections from the 2014-2019 electoral period is here.

Attribution of national parties to parliamentary groups

Baseline scenario: The projection assigns parties that are already represented in the European Parliament to their current parliamentary group. National parties that are not currently represented in the European Parliament but belong to a European political party, are attributed to the parliamentary group of that party. In cases where the members of a national electoral list are expected to split up and join different political groups after the election, the projection uses the allocation that seems most plausible in each case (see below). Parties for which the allocation to a specific parliamentary group is unclear are classified as “other” in the baseline scenario.

According to the rules of procedure of the European Parliament, at least 23 MEPs from at least a quarter of the member states (i.e. 7 out of 27) are required to form a parliamentary group. Groupings that do not meet these conditions would therefore have to win over additional MEPs in order to be able to constitute themselves as a parliamentary group.

Dynamic scenario: In the dynamic scenario, all “other” parties are assigned to an already existing parliamentary group (or to the group of non-attached members). In addition, the dynamic scenario also takes into account other group changes that appear politically plausible, even if the respective parties have not yet been publicly announced them. To highlight these changes from the baseline scenario, parties that are assigned a different parliamentary group in the dynamic scenario are marked in the colour of that group. Moreover, the name of the group appears in the mouse-over text. Since the attributions in the dynamic scenario are partly based on a subjective assessment of the political orientation and strategy of the parties, they can be quite uncertain in detail. From an overall perspective, however, the dynamic scenario may be closer to the real distribution of seats after the next European election than the baseline scenario.

The full names of the political groups and of the national parties appear as mouse-over text when the mouse pointer is held still over the name in the table. In the case of “other” parties and parties that are likely to change group after the next European elections, the mouse-over text also lists the groups that the party might join. The group to which the party is assigned in the dynamic scenario is listed first.

Data source

If available, the most recent poll of voting intentions for the European Parliament is used to calculate the seat distribution for each country. In case that more than one poll has been published, the average of all polls from the two weeks preceding the most recent poll is calculated, taking into account only the most recent poll from each polling institute. The cut-off date for taking a survey into account is the last day of its fieldwork, if known, otherwise the day of its publication.

For countries where the last specific European election poll was published more than a fortnight ago or where significantly fewer polls for European than for national parliamentary elections were published in the last two weeks, the most recent available poll for the national parliamentary election or the average of all national or European parliamentary polls from the two weeks preceding the most recent available poll is used instead. For countries where there are no recent polls for parliamentary elections, polls for presidential elections may be used instead, with the presidential candidates’ polling figures assigned to their respective parties (this concerns France and Cyprus in particular). For member states for which no recent polls can be found at all, the results of the last national or European elections are used.

As a rule, the national poll results of the parties are directly projected to the total number of seats in the country. For countries where the election is held in regional constituencies without interregional proportional compensation (currently Belgium and Ireland), regional polling data is used where available. Where this is not the case, the number of seats is calculated for each constituency using the overall national polling data. National electoral thresholds are taken into account in the projection where they exist.

In Belgium, constituencies in the European election correspond to language communities, while polls are usually conducted at the regional level. The projection uses polling data from Wallonia for the French-speaking community and polling data from Flanders for the Dutch-speaking community. For the German-speaking community, it uses the result of the last European election (1 seat for CSP).

In countries where it is common for several parties to run as an electoral alliance on a common list, the projection makes a plausibility assumption about the composition of these lists. In the table, such multi-party lists are usually grouped under the name of the electoral alliance or of its best-known member party. Sometimes, however, the parties of an electoral alliance split up after the election and join different political groups in the European Parliament. In this case, the parties are listed individually and a plausibility assumption is made about the distribution of list places (usually based on the 2024 European election results). This includes the following cases: Spain: Sumar: Sumar (place 1 and 6 on the list), CatComù (2), Compromís (3), IU (4) and Más País (5); Ahora Republicas: ERC (1, 4), Bildu (2) and BNG (3); CEUS: PNV (1) and CC (2); Romania: ADU: USR (1-2, 4-5, 7-9), PMP (3) and FD (6); Netherlands: PvdA (1, 3, 5 etc.) and GL (2, 4, 6 etc.); Czechia: TOP09 (1, 3, 5 etc.) and KDU-ČSL (2, 4, 6 etc.); Hungary: DK (1-4, 6, 8), MSZP (5) and PM (7). When the election comes closer and the parties announce their candidates, the projection uses the distribution on the actual list instead. In some countries, the exact distribution of seats within an electoral alliance depends on preference votes and/or regional constituency results, so that only a plausible assumption can be made in advance. This concerns the following cases: Italy: AVS: SI (1, 3) and EV (2, 4); Poland: TD: PL2050 (1, 3, 5 etc.), KP (2, 4, 6 etc.). For Poland, the projection assumes that the members of the Konfederacja are equally divided between the ESN group and the group of non-attached members. In Italy, a special rule allows minority parties to enter the Parliament with only a low number of votes, provided they form an alliance with a larger party. The projection assumes such an alliance between FI and the SVP.

Since there is no electoral threshold for European elections in Germany, parties can win a seat in the European Parliament with less than 1 per cent of the vote. Since German polling institutes do not usually report values for very small parties, the projection includes them based on their results in the last European election (3 seats each for Volt and FW, 2 seats for Partei, 1 seat each for Tierschutzpartei, ödp, Familienpartei, and PdF). If a small party achieves a better value in current polls than in the last European election, the poll rating is used instead.

The following overview lists the data source for each member state. The dates refer to the last day of the fieldwork; if this is not known, to the day of publication of the polls:

Germany: national polls, 6-10/8/2024, source: Wikipedia.
France: results of the first round of national parliamentary elections, 30/6/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Italy: national polls, 18-29/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Spain: national polls, 8-9/8/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Poland: national polls, 28/7-8/8/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Romania: national polls, 27/6/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Netherlands: national polls, 29/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Belgium: results of the European election, 9/6/2024.
Czechia: national polls, July 2024, source: Wikipedia.
Greece: national polls, 28/6-4/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Hungary: national polls, 8-17/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Portugal: national polls, 13-26/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Sweden: national polls, 16-26/6/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Austria: national polls, 27/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Bulgaria: results of the European election, 9/6/2024.
Denmark: national polls, 11/8/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Slovakia: national polls, 8-15/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Finland: national polls, 6/8/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Ireland: national polls, 2/8/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Croatia: national polls, 25/7-4/8/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Lithuania: national polls, 21-29/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Latvia: national polls, June 2024, source: Wikipedia.
Slovenia: national polls, 17-25/7/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Estonia: national polls, 4-9/8/2024, source: Wikipedia.
Cyprus: results of the European election, 9/6/2024.
Luxembourg: results of the European election, 9/6/2024.
Malta: results of the European election, 9/6/2024.

Pictures: all graphs: Manuel Müller.