24 Juni 2024

FIIA panel discussion: After the European Parliament election

The European Parliament elections on 6-9 June marked the start of a crucial and likely contentious legislature. Over the next five years, the EU faces a tough political agenda – with geopolitical challenges, negotiations on enlargement and internal reform as well as a new long-term budget, and other projects such as the green and digital transformation and the reform of the single market. At the same time, the rise of far-right parties in both the Parliament and the Council will make it more difficult to build majorities.

In a panel discussion organised by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) in cooperation with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Finland, we take stock of the election results and look ahead to the next legislature: What new majorities will emerge? What will be the priorities of the next European Commission? And who is in the running for the EU’s top jobs?

The panel included Jarmo Oikarinen (head of the EP Liaison Office), Hanna Tuominen (Helsinki University), Totti Sivonen (Eurooppalainen Suomi / European Movement Finland), Manuel Müller (FIIA) as well as Tuomas Iso-Markku (FIIA) as chair. Here is a video recording of the event.

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