About the blog

European integration has greatly increased the freedom of EU citizens to live their own lives across national borders. However, as European society has grown together, there has also been a new need for political regulation. Today, the EU intervenes more deeply in people’s everyday experiences than any other supranational organisation. At the same time, its supranational bodies, above all the European Parliament, have also laid the foundations to enable Europeans to decide on their common affairs in joint democratic institutions.

The blog Der (europäische) Föderalist examines the prospects and conditions for supranational democracy. Based on current events and debates, it analyses aspects of European and global constitutional policy – such as European electoral law and the European party system, the role of the Council and the national parliaments, the European public sphere, the protection of the common EU values in the member states, the institutional causes of Euroscepticism, or the democratic implications of differentiated integration. Since 2014, Der (europäische) Föderalist has also been the first European medium to publish regular seat projections for the European Parliament based on national opinion polls.

The blog was founded in October 2011 and is aimed at both an expert audience and a broader public interested in European policy. Its founder and editor is Manuel Müller, Senior Research Fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA). The blog also features guest contributions from and interviews with European and national politicians, researchers and civil society representatives. The articles published on the blog always reflect the personal opinion of the respective author. If you would like to contribute an article to the blog yourself, please find more information here.

Picture: Manuel Müller [all rights reserved].

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