- What next for the EU? Regierungsforschung.de and Der (europäische) Föderalist are looking for contributions that shed light on current reform debates.
Multiple crises like the pandemic, the consequences of global warming, and the Russian aggression against Ukraine are posing challenges not only to national governments, but also to the European Union. These and other transformation processes are giving fresh relevance and urgency to old questions like EU enlargement and raising new debates about the EU’s democratic structures. The 2021/22 Conference on the Future of Europe put forward comprehensive institutional reform proposals, but implementing them would require a Convention that many member states oppose. At the same time, the EU is also under growing internal pressure: the rule-of-law crisis in Hungary and Poland threatens the unity of the European legal community; changes to the European electoral law that have been discussed for years are being slowed down in the Council; and even the role of Germany and France as the “engine of integration” is increasingly called in question.
Currently, many debates on the future of the European governance system are taking place at the same time. The EU is seeking a new balance – between deepening and widening, between unity and differentiation, between small and large member states, between capacity to act and consensus requirements, between supranational parties and national governments, between national sovereignty and a common law.
The thematic series “Supranational governance between diplomacy and democracy” aims to shed light on these and other ongoing debates on EU institutional reforms and the future of European governance. The contributions will appear simultaneously on regierungsforschung.de and “Der (europäische) Föderalist”. The series will start in winter 2022/23.
Article format and length
Short analyses and essays: 4-6 pages of text (without bibliography).
Contributions can be written in German or English. English contributions will be translated into German by us and will appear in both languages on the blog “Der (europäische) Föderalist” and in the German version on regierungsforschung.de.
Submission of proposals
To propose a contribution, please submit a meaningful abstract or outline of no more than half a page until 30 November 2022. The outline should be sent as a word file (*.docx) to Julia Rakers from the editorial desk of regierungsforschung.de (e-mail: julia.rakers@uni-due.de). We particularly welcome proposals from young researchers and students.
Proposal selection
Proposals are selected based on the abstracts or outlines considering, in particular, their thematic fit to the series’ main topic, their relevance for academic research and political practice, their topicality, stringency and conciseness, and the originality of their idea. The editors reserve the right to consider the overall concept and balance of content of the thematic series when selecting contributions.
Selection results will be communicated by 15 December 2022 at the latest. Individual arrangements will then be made with the respective authors regarding the deadline for the submission of the contributions.
About us
Regierungsforschung.de is the academic online journal of the NRW School of Governance at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Duisburg-Essen. With monthly access figures of more than 15,000 visits, the articles have a high visibility both within the academic community and in policy circles. |
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The blog “Der (europäische) Föderalist” is run by Manuel Müller, postdoctoral researcher in European integration at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Based on current debates, it analyses aspects of European constitutional policy and supranational democracy. It is also accessed over 15,000 times a month and reaches both an academic and a political audience. |
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